Road To Avonlea - Complete Season One
The series begins as Sara Stanley (Sarah Polley) is forced to live with her deceased mother's relatives, the King Family, in the charming town of Avonlea, Prince Edward Island. Sara's story is intertwined with many unforgettable L.M. Montgomery characters from the cast of the original Anne of Green Gables mini-series, as Sara's journey down the "Road to Avonlea" takes her and the entire King Family through tales of romance and fantasy, tragedy and comedy. This DVD is in Widescreen picture format.
Special Features:
- The Origin of a Series Featurette: Short Stories to Screenplays
- Featurette: P.E.I. Transposed
- Featurette: The Kids of Avonlea
- Cast Bios
- Trivia Game Promo
Starring: Sarah Polley, Zachary Bennett, Jackie Burroughs, Mag Ruffman, Gema Zamprogna, Cedric Smith, Lally Cadeau, Harmony Cramp, Colleen Dewhurst, and Patricia Hamilton
Product Details:
- Release Date: 2009
- Format: Widescreen DVD
- Language: English & French Language Tracks
- Subtitles: English Closed Captioning
- Rating: G
- Runtime: 600 minutes
- 1.The Journey Begins
- 2.The Story Girl Earns Her Name
- 3.The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham
- 4.Materializing of Duncan McTavish
- 5.Old Lady Lloyd
- 6.The Proof of the Pudding
- 7.Aunt Abigail’s Beau
- 8.Malcolm and the Baby
- 9.Conversions
- 10.Felicity’s Challenge
- 11.The Witch of Avonlea
- 12.The Blue Chest of Arabella King
- 13.Nothing Endures But Change